Hey, I'm Jacob!
A software engineer with a passion for solving problems and crafting innovative software applications.
About Me
I'm a software engineer from St. Louis, Missouri. I've been
studying computer science and software engineering for over 4
years, because I enjoy solving problems and crafting innovative
software applications.
With these passions in mind, my academic journey has consisted
of implementing elegant algorithms, building robust
applications, and effectively communicating on collaborative
projects with cross-functional development teams.
I am always seeking out opportunities to expand my knowledge and
master emerging technologies.
Here are some of the languages, frameworks, and other technologies that I use...
...and some of the projects I've built over the years.
Relational Database Normalization Script
A Python script that takes a relation schema and its constraints as input, normalizes the schema to a desired normal form, and outputs the necessary SQL statements to generate the normalized relation schemas. This was an assignment for COMP SCI 5300 at Missouri S&T.
Fitness Tracker Mobile Application
Designed a multi-platform fitness tracker mobile application with a team of undergraduate colleagues during our second software engineering capstone course. I developed responsive onboarding screens and optimized data initialization techniques for new end users using React Native and JavaScript.
G6 Web Chat Application
Collaborated with undergraduate colleagues to build a web chat application for anonymous chatting in both public and private chat rooms. Built using Express, React, and Socket.IO. This was a project for COMP SCI 5600 at Missouri S&T.
Contact Me
If you'd like to collaborate on a project or reach out to me, I'd love to hear from you. Email me or get in touch on my socials.